Monday, November 10, 2008

Holiday Goodies!

Overwhelmed With Joy is hosting Holiday Cooking, Blogger Style and I decided to participate! A dear friend of mine got me excited, and I couldn't wait to post a couple of my family's favorite recipes here. Honestly, it was SO HARD to decide! But, this weekend, when I was busy with my holiday baking, I chose two of the recipes that I was working on and made sure to take some pictures to show you how easy they are, and how great they come out! So, I am sharing these two: Fantasy Fudge (It's on the back of the Kraft Marshmallow Creme jar). Ingredients:

3 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup (1 ½ sticks) butter or margarine 1 small can (5 oz.) evaporated milk 1 ½ boxes (12 squares) Baker’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate, chopped 1 jar (7 oz.) Marshmallow Creme 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) 1 tsp. vanilla Directions: 1. Line a 9" square pan with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides of pan; set aside.

2. Place sugar, butter and evaporated milk in large heavy saucepan.

(I get the rest of my ingredients together in a measuring cup, or mixing bowl, so when ready for them, I can just jump them all in).

3. Bring to full rolling boil on medium heat, stirring constantly.

4. Boil 4 min. or until candy thermometer reaches 234°F, stirring constantly to prevent scorching. 5. Remove from heat. 6. Add chocolate and marshmallow creme; stir until completely melted.

7. Add walnuts and vanilla; mix well.

8. Pour immediately into prepared pan; spread to form even layer in pan.

(Get your husband to help, like I did)! :)

9. Let stand at room temperature 4 hours or until completely cooled; cut into 1-inch squares. 10. Store in tightly covered container at room temperature. Enjoy! Pecan Tassies Ingredients: 2 cups (4 sticks) margarine 12 oz. cream cheese 4 cups all-purpose flour 3 eggs 2 ½ cups packed brown sugar 3 tablespoons melted butter ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 pinch salt 1 ½ cups chopped pecans Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. In a medium bowl, mix together the margarine and cream cheese until well blended.

3. Beat in flour, 1 cup at a time, until the mixture forms a smooth dough.

4. Roll into small balls, and press into the bottoms and sides of tart pans or mini muffin pans.

Pampered Chef's Mini Tart Shaper works wonderfully when forming these tassies! (And if anyone from Pampered Chef is reading this and wants to give me some free stuff for plugging their products, I wouldn't mind at all)!! :)

5. In another bowl, mix together the eggs, brown sugar, butter, vanilla, and salt. 6. Stir in the pecans. Use a spoon to fill each of the crusts 2/3 full with the filling mixture.

7. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes in the preheated oven, until shell is light brown, and the filling has puffed up.

8. Cool, and carefully remove from pans.



  1. Okay, I have a confession to make. I have never made fudge before! Can you believe it? I may just have to take the plunge and try making your fantasy fudge recipe.

    As for the Pecan Tassies, those look yummy too! And I already have a Pampered Chef mini tart shaper so I'm set. Just out of curiosity, how many tarts do you get from your recipe?

    Thanks for participating in my 3rd annual Holiday Cooking, Blogger Style recipe exchange! I do appreciate it.

    Feel free to join me Fridays for my “Favorite Ingredients Friday” recipe exchange!

  2. Oh dear Morgan, these look so delicious! I could go for some fudge today :)!!!

    I know someone that if they can get back in my good graces would really enjoy the pecan tassies too.

    I wouldn't hold my breathe.
