Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tom Never Had A Chance Against These Two!

Darren and his dad (I call him Pops) are such great people, and really stand-up guys. Besides all of that - they make me laugh. They think a lot alike, which is scary sometimes when it comes to their "good ideas". Nonetheless, they really pulled off two great Thanksgiving turkeys. They decided to move farther way from the house, because of the oil "mess", and decided to fry the turkeys out by Pops' shop. I stood out there for awhile, in between chopping onions and making pies - just so you can see them at their best! The poor bird, never had a chance! You can already see them - its not even 11 in the morning, and they are already up to no good. Putting the first bird in. - Look at Darren "supervising". Almost there! Its in - you can see their feet - they just stood there, all proud of themselves. :)
Notice Reba's - I mean Darren's outfit change! Also - look at how many propane bottles they have!! Count them - there are FIVE! Yes, FIVE - they could have fried Sasquatch with all that propane!
45 minutes later - it's time to come out. (That's Darren taking it out and Pops supervising this time).
Golden brown!
Almost there!
Teamwork! One holds the pan, the other puts the bird in it! And its done, and no one got hurt! :)
Honestly though - they made a Cajun butter fried turkey and a jalapeno butter fried turkey and they were beyond delicious! So, I got some entertainment watching them and a great meal. - it made for a great Thanksgiving.

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