Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm Back!

Ok, sorry for the absence. My life is crazy right now. Well, honestly - my life is always crazy, but the last couple of weeks have been insane. My sister is getting married this weekend so I've been busy helping with the wedding stuff and I have the groom's cake to make (wish me luck) and all the bread to bake for communion, and I'm finishing up/closing out the SIX Pampered Chef Shows I have had in the last 3 weeks. Not to mention my full time job. Oh, and because I don't have enough on my plate - I started Weight Watchers (again). It has been years since I have done it I should have my butt kicked for quitting, but all of that is in the past and I'm on track and I'm going to stay that way! Hopefully! I started off on the right foot - I lost 8.2 pounds my first week. I go back tomorrow, so wish me luck!! A dear college friend and fellow Weight Watcher sent me a wonderful e-mail full of 266 recipes that you can make in your crock pot! How awesome? I had to try one out tonight, and it was delicious! I had to share it will all of you:
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 cans tomato soup
  • 1 1/2 cups potatoes -- diced
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • 1 11.5 oz. can V-8® vegetable juice
  • 1 can corn -- whole kernal
  • 1 can green beans -- cut
  • 1/2 teaspoon thyme -- dried
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 pound ground beef, extra lean
  • 1 teaspoon garlic -- minced


  1. Mix beef and garlic.
  2. Make 1/2" meat balls & brown.
  3. Place meatballs and all other ingredients in crockpot and set on low for 8-10 hours.

This soup is only 3 Weight Watchers points per cup!

The only thing that I changed was the fact that I didn't brown the meatballs before I put them in with the other ingredients. I mean - why go through all that. They are in the pot for 10 hours - they will be done by the time you are ready for dinner!



  1. I have missed you, sweet friend!

    You are a super busy woman, but you manage to do it all looking good!

    Share your email if you can. . . I need to do weight watchers, this baby weight is stuck like glue!

  2. Glad to see you back!! And, I can't wait to try this recipe!!

  3. So glad you liked the recipe! Congratulations on your first weigh in!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday to Coco!
