Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thankful Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago, I entered a Christmas Ornament Swap for the first time. I am so excited by the way. Last week, our swap partners were announced and I got paired with the lovely Melissa from Melissa's Heart & Home (a beautiful one I might add). Anyhow, Melissa is celebrating her 1 year blog anniversary with a giveaway. She is so thankful for the love and support of all of her fellow bloggers that she has created a Thankful giveaway - that you can use in your home, for Thanksgiving. Wonderful how this is all working out, isn't it? She has some terrific things picked out for her giveaway, so go on over to Melissa's and show her some love and get entered into that giveaway. You'll be thankful you did!

1 comment:

  1. ~Ah! Morgan thank you very much for posting about my giveaway here! You are so kind and I really appreciate it.

    I hope all is well with you and yours.

    Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)
