Monday, August 23, 2010


My sweet little nephew, Matthew started Kindergarten this morning. He did really well - no tears - he was happy and excited. I hope the rest of his mornings go as smoothly!

Here he is at his desk. Isn't he adorable?
I can't believe how fast you are growing! It seems like just yesterday your mom and dad were bringing you home. You have been such a blessing and wonderful addition to our family. We have enjoyed watching you explore, learn and grow and we all love you very much. As you start school today, I wanted to let you know that Uncle Darren and I are praying for you and wish you well today, and all of the rest of your school days. We hope that you enjoy this new adventure called "school". We hope that you have an inquiring mind and a discerning heart. We hope that you have the courage to persevere when things get tough or confusing. We hope that you enjoy lots of love and laughter with new teachers and new friends. We hope that you are kind and generous with your new classmates, and that they are in return. And, more than anything, we hope that you approach each and every opportunity to learn with joy and wonder.
Have a great day kiddo! We love you!


  1. Awww!! Congratulations, Matthew!! You are a very loved little boy! And, you will be in our prayers too!

  2. He is so sweet and cute Morgan! He will love his classroom I'm sure.

    Thank you for always being so kind and supporting my blog. I'm glad you liked my *roo* kitchen.

    Have a blessed day.
    ~Melissa :)

  3. That is just toooooo cute! I bet you are the most fun aunt ever!!!

  4. He is so handsome! Go Matthew! I love you let your mom ride with you!
