Tuesday, July 12, 2011

31 Weeks!

Today we're 31 weeks pregnant! The last few weeks have been flying by and I'm sure the next few are. I can't believe how close we are to meeting our baby boy. Of course, we are excited and anxious all at the same time. It just still seems so surreal.
We have 63 days left (if he doesn't arrive before his due date), or just a short 9 weeks. Ahh, we're counting down the days!
Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along: 31 Weeks Size of baby: Head of Lettuce (18" long, 3.2 pounds)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +9 pounds (I'm eager to see what this is the next time I go in because last week at my appointment I was pretty swollen) Maternity Clothes: I haven't bought any. I've been wearing my regular clothes (the few things I can still fit into) and my Belly Band. It's a lifesaver! Gender: It's a boy! Denver Ray Fountain Movement: Denver is starting to run out of room! I feel him turning and twisting more than kicking these days and he has had the hiccups a LOT lately! Sleep: I'm having a hard time getting comfortable, but once asleep I'm sleeping well. What I miss: The occasional glass of wine or margarita! Cravings: Nothing really, but I've been eating a lot of scrambled eggs lately. Symptoms: Sciatica on my right side and numbness in my left arm. Best moment this week: Darren getting to see Denver hiccuping!

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