Tuesday, July 26, 2011

33 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along: 33 Weeks Size of baby: Pineapple (19 - 22" long, 4.9 pounds) Total Weight Gain/Loss: +11 pounds Maternity Clothes: I was given some hand me downs from a dear friend of mine and I finally wore a maternity shirt (for our maternity pictures last weekend). Gender: It's a boy! Denver Ray Fountain Movement: Some times, I can feel him kick at the very top of my stomach and hit or head butt me at the very bottom of my stomach at the same time!
Sleep: I'm having a hard time getting comfortable, but once asleep I'm sleeping well. What I miss: The occasional glass of wine or margarita! Cravings: Nothing really, but I've been eating a lot more sweets than I normally do! Symptoms: Sciatica on my right side and numbness in my left arm and my right leg. Best moment this week: Darren and I spending my last birthday (in my 20s) as just the two of us before our little one arrives! Only 7 more weeks (and only 4 more weeks until we're full term)!

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