Thursday, September 15, 2011

Door Bell Sign

I've been wanting some kind of sign to hang by or on the front door to keep the UPS man from ringing the door bell. D works at night and sleeps during the day & when the UPS man rings the doorbell Coco goes crazy and wakes him up. I don't want to have the same situation with Denver when we get home with him. While playing around on Pinterest the other day I saw the most adorable sign to hang by the front door (made by Amy).
I read her tutorial (which now I can't find to link to) & decided to make one like it. I started with a pre-cut, thin wooden sign in the unfinished wood section at Hobby Lobby for 99 cents. I got D to drill a small hole on each side of the sign so that I could run ribbon through it and hang it when I got finished. I spray painted it heirloom white and decided that I didn't like it so then I spray painted it Italian Olive (two coats).
I brought it in and it looked liked this.
Then I took a small piece of 400 grit sandpaper and sanded down the entire front and spent a little extra time on the edges so that the white would come through.
Then I got out some antiquing medium. I had some issues paying $2.99 for that bottle but I used SO little, that it should practically last me forever which makes it easier to swallow.
I put a small amount on a paper towel and rubbed it in circular motions all over the sign and spent a little extra time on the edges to make it a little darker there.
I put a little more on the paper towel and "blotted" it onto the sign in a couple of places and then set it to the side to let it dry.
While it was drying, I made the words in brown vinyl on my Silhouette. I cut the words out seperately because I was undecided on the layout that I wanted, so I wanted to be able to play around with it a little. The fonts I used were "Mr and Mrs Popsicle", "Cheri" and "Clingy".
This is what it looked like when finished.
Then I just took some brown ribbon that I already had and folded it over and ran it through the back to the front on the left side. I knotted it and then took the access and brought it through the back to the front on the right side. I lined it up so that the ribbon would be even and tied my knot on the right side. I cut off all the extra ribbon and then used a lighter to heat seal the ends.
I decided that the bottom left corner was too bare, so I played around with my Silhouette software until I found a moon and stars that I liked, to add to it. I cut it out with the same brown vinyl and added it to the corner.
And this is my final product! Isn't it adorable? I'm really please with how it turned out and I can't wait to hang it up.

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