Big D, little D and I just got back from Wal-Mart. I started to stay home with little D since the temperature has dropped quite a bit but then I figured it be probably a week before I had a chance to get out of the house again so we wrapped little D up like it was 30 degrees outside and away we went.
Well, it wasn't that quick. D got ready while I got little D dressed then he fed him while I got dressed then I found something warmer for him to wear so I changed his clothes while D took Coco out. Then I put her in her box and made sure everything we needed was in his bag while he put little D in the carseat. We grabbed our bag, keys and kiddo and THEN away we went. We actually have a pretty good system down and managed to make it out of the house in about 45 minutes so I was highly impressed with us!
Little D fell asleep before we were even out of the driveway! We stopped at Hobby Lobby & I ran in while he boys stayed in the car and then we went to Wal-Mart. We were there for about 2 hours, through a feeding and little D never woke up. We actually spent time looking at stuff and walking around because he wasn't bothered! It was such a wonderful trip! Right after we checked out & started out to the car he started whining a bit but we had a bottle ready and that's exactly what he was wanting! I fed him while D loaded the groceries in the car and we had a happy little guy!
We got home and I changed him while D unloaded the car. Then, he was wide awake and asked me to record a message for his grandparents before he went to bed.
Hello and goodnight to all of his grandparents! We all love you all and miss y'all! :)
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