Friday, November 18, 2011

Our Little Turkey

I heard Denver making some noise this morning so I got up and leaned over his bed and this is what I saw...

Is he not the sweetest little thing you have ever seen? I could just eat him up with a spoon! We fed him & he was in such a good mood we all stayed in bed talking and playing and mom tried to get a good picture but someone just kept looking at me like I was crazy...

All the picture taking must have worn him out so he had to take a nap.

Aren't those adorable? We're counting down to Thanksgiving by wearing our Turkey outfits and jammies. His mommy is obsessed with Holiday outfits so he has to start wearing them now to get use out of all of them. After our nap we had to have milk a change our clothes and take another nap so we could get ready to go grocery shopping.

Well we better get going - we have to stop being lazy & go get something done today! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am telling you Morgan that baby is the cutest stinkin' boy ever! I love, love, love his face!
    You and D make adorable babies!!!
