Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm Rollin'

I have such exciting news! Denver rolled over for the first time today! The first time he did it, we had just finished a bottle and we were laying in bed. I was so shocked! I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just a fluke, so I flipped him over and he did it two more times. I tried to show Darren when he got home but Denver wouldn't roll over so I thought I might have been a bit quick in assuming that was a milestone that he had reached until later tonight, while we were on his room playing I layed him down and guess what? He rolled over again and then I ran and got my phone to see if he would do it again so I could record it and he did. I sound like an idiot but I was so excited! Sometimes he smiles afterward and sometimes he looks a little shocked like he doesn't know quite what happened!

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