Sunday, December 18, 2011

Weekend Recap

Believe it or not - I didn't take a single picture this weekend. I was in a wedding on Saturday and had the rehearsal on Friday. We got up and I picked up the house and hung out with Denver while D went to the grocery store. He got back & I got ready to go to the rehearsal which was at 3:30. After we got done, I came home and cooked dinner for Denver's Nana & Papa who came to stay with him so D and I could attend the rehearsal dinner later that night & then the wedding on Saturday. I had to be at the church at 11:30 so I could get my hair and make-up done so D and his parents took Denver to lunch and to do a little Christmas shopping. D came to the wedding and we enjoyed a beautiful reception, good food and some dancing, which was a lot of fun but we were both so ready to get home to our sweet boy! Today, I got up and made breakfast before Nana & Papa headed home and D headed to work. Denver's gums have really been bothering him & he's been really fussy so I've held and rocked him pretty much all day. All in all, it was a busy & fun weekend. I'll take some pictures of Denver soon!

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