Sunday, February 26, 2012

Silly Little Boy

Denver's personality is really emerging and it is SO fun to see him develop into this little person.

He is always so happy (unless he doesn't feel well), he is all smiles all the time and I am so glad. That little smile just warms my heart.

Someone hasn't yet figured out that he cant push himself back, without repercussions, now that we don't hold him up.

He'll learn soon enough. Until then, when he is playing, I put stuffed animals behind him to soften his fall.

He decided that it was pretty comfy laying on them.

And then decided it was just as fun to lay down and play with them!

This little boy makes me laugh.

And again - tired after all that playing. This picture makes me laugh - he's got Mr. Owl in a headlock!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your comment! What a sweet little miracle you have! I am so glad that you were able to get pregnant... infertility is an icky thing and you don't realize until you are going through it, that it's SO common! I love hearing everyone's miracle stories though!! :)
