Sunday, February 19, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Today was a pretty uneventful day for Denver and I but we did work on him trying to feed himself.
Isn't this onesie adorable?
He's a little stinker when it comes to holding his bottle. He will hold it for a little while, then he just starts playing with it. The problem most of the time is that he will hold it, but won't lift it up so that the milk actually moves down into the nipple. He has a few technical difficulties.
And his other problem is that instead of moving the bottle to him, he holds the bottle and tries to move his mouth to it. It's actually quite funny to watch.
Getting closer!
This makes me laugh.

All that work trying to feed himself is very tiring!

And then when he's well rested, he likes being propped up on the couch to play with his toys.

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