One of my favorite things about keeping Marleigh every day is that not only do I get to spend so much time with her, but I get to see Matthew.
I take him to school every morning and today the sun was exceptionally bright - it was hard to see. He told me he was going to keep his eyes closed because it was so bright. I asked him if he wanted to wear my sunglasses and he said "sure" so he put them on and I told him that at the next stop sign, I was taking a picture.

This just makes me laugh! Oh, I love that little boy. He told me "they practically almost fit" so I told him I'd make sure they stayed in the car in case he needed to use them again! Silly kid!
We went to my house today (I had left Denver at home sleeping with his dad - we had a long night last night) and the babies played in Denver's bed awhile.

Then we had new diapers all around, baby Denver got dressed and it was off to eat breakfast!
Marleigh ate her breakfast and was chilling in the bumbo when we sat down to feed Denver his oatmeal. He was fussing the whole time but kept wanting bites so I kept feeding him. With just two bites left, he looked at me and threw up every where and then his face turned a little red and he threw up again.
I took Marleigh (in the bumbo) and sat her on the bathroom floor while I got Denver in the bathtub to clean him up. We got all cleaned up, new clothes, diapers all around and the high chair taken apart and in the washing machine.
They played in his bed for a bit and then everyone started fussing - must be time for morning naps!
I got Marleigh asleep in Denver's bed and moved Denver to his rocker in the living room. He fussed and fussed until a very nervous mama gave him some milk - he drank 7 ounces and kept it all down (thank goodness).
After about another half hour of fussing and rubbing on his gums, he fell asleep. Look at the clock - oh, look at that it's only 9:30am!
After naps and new diapers, we played on the couch for awhile. Denver just loves sitting with Marleigh and she's starting to tolerate him! :)

After playing a bit it's time for lunch. Marleigh drinks milk and then when she gets done I let her sit up awhile while I feed Denver. He eats a veggie and a fruit and then about half an hour later, he wants to drink a little milk.
We play for a bit, read a story, have some tummy time and then it's time for nap #2. I get Marleigh asleep first because it doesn't take as long as getting Denver to sleep. I finally get him to sleep and get ready to fix some lunch for myself. On a typical day, I get my lunch fixed and sit down and one of them starts fussing. Some days I can get them settled back down so I can sit & eat lunch. Other days, it doesn't work like that. More time than not Marleigh starts fussing and then Denver starts getting restless. He's not a very sound sleeper a lot of the times. By the time I get her settled down and back to sleep, he's awake and fussing.
When they get up, time for new diapers, and snack time for Denver. After his snack, I usually cuddle with Marleigh while Denver plays in the bouncer and then the excersaucer. When he starts fussing to her out, I put Marleigh in her swing and I sit in the floor and play with Denver. Sometimes we do baby gymnastics and sometimes we just play with toys.
About that time they both hit their fussy time and they both fuss while I fix their afternoon bottles. I get them both fed, and both changed and put Marleigh in the chair to sit up while I put Denver in the walker to play.
Then, it's time to make sure all of our toys are picked up, blankets are folded and put up, bottles are washed & drying and Denver's bag is packed to go home or Marleigh's - depending on what house we are at.
This week has been VERY challenging - mostly on my patience and sanity. We've had one very fussy, whiny, little boy who can't get any relief from this teething nonsense and a little girl who is starting to throw major fits before each nap and then again in late afternoon - just for good measure.
So we've had a lot of crying and fussing all around. I hope that next week is nicer to all of us!

I'm normally very, very particular about the things that Denver eats but because I am weak - when he went after a cheeto I was eating, I let him have it. He chewed on it awhile and managed to eat about half of it and then because he's the sweetest kid ever - he put the other half in Marleigh's lap! :)
I'm going to believe he was sharing and not getting rid of the nasty, soggy end ;)

He also gave her his keys and then slid down to lay on her - silly kid.
The rest of the afternoon was much like the beginning (without the vomit) and after a meltdown this sweet girl was so exhausted she couldn't wait for Aunt Morgan to take her to bed and fell asleep right where she sat!

This has to be the cutest thing I've seen lately!
I felt bad for the way she was laying so picked her up to move her to the bed which woke her up and made her mad so then we had a meltdown. I'm not sure it was sympathy or frustration but Denver kept looking at her and then had a meltdown of his own!
See why it's so frustrating when people say stay at home moms don't do anything?