I've been wanting to put a bulletin board up beside my desk in my office, so that I can hang some phone numbers and log-in information that I need regularly. I had a regular bulletin board with the wooden frame, but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for as far as decor was concerned so I decided to "oomph" it up just a bit, to make it look a little more appealing, while still being efficient.
I started with the regular bulletin board and had Darren cut it down to the size I wanted (that would fit between a hutch and my desk).
I grabbed the cut down bulletin board, some fabric, ribbon, upholstery pins and a piece of foam board (not shown). I cut the foam board down to size and glued it to the side of the bulletin board that I actually want to use.
Then I draped the fabric over it. Now, I just have to take a moment to point out this thick, gorgeous camel colored fabric is upholstery fabric from Hancock Fabric. It was originally $30/yard but I caught it on clearance in the remnant section for a mere $2.99/yard.
I cut the fabric so that I had about 3" left all the way around the board.
Then, you just start pulling it and stapling it. Nothing fancy about it. Just make sure that you smooth your fabric out and pull it tight. You don't want any wrinkles in your fabric.
Fold it over at the corners and staple away!
Then you're ready for the pretty stuff! Make sure that you have plenty of ribbon. I used about 45ft of ribbon (3 rolls) and make sure that you have a long ruler or craft ruler.

I started at the bottom left corner and measured about every 4" and placed a ribbon.
I used the upholstery pins to hold the ribbons in place, until I was ready to secure them.
Then I started at the top left corner and started measure 4" in the other direction, to get the criss-cross pattern.
Then just smooth your ribbon out and push the upholstery pins all the way in, at the intersection of your ribbons.
I wanted to add a little something extra, so I bought a set of tassels and wrapped them around the base of one of the upholstery pins and pushed it in.
This is the bulletin board completely done, waiting to be hung up in my office.

It was a really quick and easy craft - it only took about an hour from start to finish and I did it while watching tv. Definitely something anyone can do!
Hope you like it as much as I do!

Morgan, you are so creative and find such good deals!! I will so use this idea if I ever get a home office!!
That is such a good idea! My parents have a bulletin board that's cork in a closet that I was going to take, but then I noticed my sister wrote all over it. I'll have to do some research to see if I could just paint over the sharpie writing to claim the board for my own. :)
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