I have been thinking and realized that I started my blog for a lot of different reasons – to document what goes on in our lives, to allow our family and friends to keep up with our day–to-day activities, to share tips and tricks while learning new things from others bloggers, and to meet other women.
I had been reading a couple of blogs for awhile and one day just decided I wanted to start my own. I didn’t introduce myself or explain anything about myself – I just picked it up and ran with it. Now that I’m a regular blogger, I would like to take the time to tell you a little about myself. After all, it is my blog!
My friend
Amanda and I are starting “Tell me about it Tuesdays”, where we tell something about ourselves each week. Not all of them will be important – not all of them will be interesting, but all of them will be real! I hope you’ll decide to join us and let us know a little more about each of you.

We are going to start this off by telling you about ourselves...
The basics - I'm 28, married (3 years in a couple of months), with no children and one very spoiled doggie. I have two sisters, one older and one younger and a wonderful mother who is my very best friend. My dad died 7 months before I got married, at the age of 58, but is still and forever will be my hero. I grew up in Houston, moved to Waller right before 7th grade and then moved back to Houston after college. I attended Sam Houston State University (SHSU) but quit just short of graduation (I have about 30 hours left). I catch a lot of flack for not finishing, and I plan on returning one of these days. My husband and I moved back to Waller this year and are living just down the street from my parents old house. I work in Houston at a laboratory construction company as the Division Administrator which is pretty much a glorified way of saying "Office Manager" though I wear many hats that include Human Resources, and Marketing. I enjoy what I do and like to think that I'm good at it. I like to spend my free time with friends and family. I also enjoy reading, crafting or watching tv (guilty pleasure). The only bad part about that is that I don't have a lot of free time (do any of us these days). I am a self-proclaimed "sucker" - I get suckered into all kinds of things, all the time - even if I know up front that I don't want to do them. I hate to disappoint, so I agree to do way too many things (hence the lack of free time).
A little more about "me"...
I don’t believe in assumptions. I think that your name should precede you. I can’t stand unnecessary noise (tapping, drumming, and pen clicking) – it makes me crazy. I’m addicted to "Fresh Ink" cards. I love to bake. I'm married to the love of my life. I wish I could be like Martha Stewart (minus the jail thing). My family means the world to me. My favorite color is red because it makes me feel good. I am extremely organized at work, and not so much at home. My mom is my very best friend and always will be. The volume on my radio has to be set to an even number or I can't stop thinking about it until I change it. Chances are, I'll change yours too. It's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I honestly believe that pantyhose are the devil. I love any cocktail that is blue and frozen! I talk to people I just meet. I believe in planning for the future but living in the present. I love all types of flowers. I’ve made some bad decisions in my life but I am grateful for the learning experiences. My middle name is Rae. I’m addicted to Nine West shoes. I love the fact that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I'm a Christian and was baptised Lutheran. I adore those really big sunglasses (with rhinestones), but hate that Darren says it makes me look like a bug! "Precious Memories" by Alan Jackson is probably my all time favorite cd. I think we all have a purpose, even if we don’t know what it is (yet). I want to be a mom, more than anything in the world. I'm creative - when I want to be. I love to go fishing with Darren but I don’t bait my own hook and I don’t take the fish off because that part freaks me out. I re-use gift bags and tissue paper, not because I’m cheap but because I’m resourceful. I think the best way to lead is by example. I’m not big on dresses and skirts; I’m more of an old faded blue jeans kind of girl. I love to get mail. Mopping the floors is the chore I dread the most. If you ask my opinion, I will give it to you - I will not tell you what you want to hear. My dad will always be my number one hero. I think that the song “The Good Die Young” has some truth to it. People that don’t send thank you notes completely un-nerve me (for weddings, babies and showers) – I did something nice for you; the least you can do is say thank you. I live for a great bargain! Fall is my absolute favorite season – I love the colors and the smell and the way it reminds me of family and God and all of our blessings. I don't agree with involving people in the arguements between you and your spouse. Save it for Jerry! I think that you should always stand up for what you believe in. I think your handshake tells a lot about you. I love warm towels, right out of the dryer. I don’t like for people to see me cry. I love a variety of music. Well, except house and trance and heavy metal - that's just trash! It drives me crazy when people are all over you in line – back up and wait your turn, just like I did! Law and Order & Grey’s Anatomy are my favorite shows! I'm a control freak. I used to believe you only fell in love with a person once, but now I know that's not true - I fall in love with my husband, all over again - everyday. I think children should be taught manners and I don’t think making them behave or spanking them “damages” them. I thank God every day, that He hasn't given me all that I have asked for. I hate to see people mistreated and always root for the underdog. I prefer country living rather than city life. I adore "to-do" lists and feel so productive when I get to cross things off of them. There is nothing better than a good home cooked meal other than a good home cooked meal I didn’t have to cook (or clean up after). Like it or not, first impressions last a lifetime. I love pictures. There are few things I hate more than shaving my legs. My favorite part of the day is when D and I lay down to sleep - the conversations and kisses that only him and I share - it just makes everything else seem so small. I believe that learning to forgive takes practice. I love romantic comedies, even if you already know how it's going to end. I can’t stand drama in my life, but I love watching it on television! I pray every day. I smile at myself in the mirror while getting ready (and Darren makes fun of me for doing it)! Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world and I can’t wait for the day that I get to experience that with a child of my own. Ice cream is my favorite food, even though I’m lactose intolerant. I know for a fact that no matter how much it hurts, the world doesn’t stop because you are grieving. If I sleep past 9:00am I get a headache that I can’t get rid of, no matter how much Tylenol I take. I don’t think credentials make the person. I love how excited Coco is to see me when I get home - that's a wonderful ending to a day. I’m obsessed with kitchen gadgets. Everyone has their own political views but I don’t think they should be shoved down each other’s throats. I’d like to be my own boss one day. Ironically, the less time I have to work with, the more I get done. I still believe that no matter how old I get - my mom can make everything "all better". I adore Sunday dinner with the family and wish we could do it more frequently. I don’t believe in being mean when arguing; you can apologize but you can never take back the hurt you may cause. I hate pumping gas!! I think that money is a really lousy way of keeping score. I don’t trust anyone that doesn’t like children or animals. I love to read suspense novels and psychological thrillers. I don’t pretend to be anything that I’m not. I’m just me!
I hope you'll join us every Tuesday! Next week we'll be telling you all about our spouses/significant others.

Join us at "Tell Me About it Tuesdays":
1 comment:
I loved having the chance to get to know you even better!! I can't wait to learn more and look forward to the journey together!!
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