Today's Tell Me About It Tuesday is about our children. I don't have any children, except one fur child and we'll be discussing her next week so this week - I'm going to refrain.
I will take a moment though and say that I'm still waiting for a child, and praying every day that God will bless us with one - in any way that he sees fit. I know how hard it is when you want something so badly and everyone around you is receiving it, so easily.
So, today, I'm going to say an extra prayer for every woman still waiting for her bundle(s) of joy. That she may have peace even if she doesn't know God's will for her life and that she may understand His love for all of us - even when we forsake him. I understand that "Every good and perfect gift is from above" (James 1:17) and I hope and pray that every "waiting" woman may receive that gift soon.
In His name,
1 comment:
Morgan, you and Darren are in my prayers everyday, but today I will say an extra prayer for all the women still waiting with you. I know you will be a good mother and I so look forward to you sharing good news soon!
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