In high school and in college I had a couple of serious/long-term relationships but most of them were casual and low-key. After one break up in college, I decided to take some time to be single for awhile. After about 8 months, I decided that I didn't want to be single any more but knew that I wasn't going to meet my husband at school, or at a bar, or at church or through a friend - I had gone down all of those roads and none of them swept me off my feet. Then I tried eHarmony and I met Darren in July of 2005.
We were wonderful matches online, we hit if off well fairly quickly, were attracked to each other and enjoyed talking - things seemed good. So we talked and talked and talked some more. And when we got through talking, we talked some more. We wound up talking for well over two months before we ever met in person.
Then we met and he was cute and he was sweet and he was quiet. VERY, Very quiet. And it totally turned me off. Like, I didn't want to see him again. Ever.
So, we hugged goodbye and he told me he would call me. And he did. Because that's the kind of guy he is. And I made an excuse to get off the phone and promised that I would call him on Monday. Because that's the type of girl I USED to be.
I know, I know.
I called him on Monday and went into this big rehearsed speech about how it wasn't anything with him, I just didn't think that it would work out and he deserved to be with someone who wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her and on and on.
And all he heard was "I don't ever want to go out with you again".
So naturally, that didn't go well and he cut off all contact with me. Completely.
And then the guilt sank in. And when I got over the guilt, the regret came. And it never left. And then came on this longing and this need to talk to him that I had never had with anyone else. I didn't want to talk to him, I NEEDED to talked to him. I missed him terribly and didn't want to admit it. Then, everyone and I do mean everyone started giving me a hard time about it and that I shouldn't judge everything by just one date. A first date is almost always weird. It might go well but there is still that unfamiliarity that you go through that makes it a little off so they urged me to give him another shot.
So I did, and I hoped that he would accept my apology and agree to go out again. And I got lucky. Because he not only answered my call, but was happy to hear from me. And without me having to go into this long, apology - he told me that he'd missed me and that he hoped I would have reconsidered. And I did and I can honestly say that it is the single best decision I have ever made.
We went out on a second date and since we lived 4 hours away and he was coming all the way to me (he didn't even make me meet him half way) - he met my nearest and dearest friends, my sorority sisters and my family. On our second date! And you know what - he was wonderful. They all loved him and he loved them back. And a few days later he sent me this huge arrangement of yellow and red roses - saying that he had a wonderful time with me and couldn't wait to see me again.
Our 3rd date at the Texas Renaissance Festival
And I knew. I knew that he accepted me for me. That it was okay if I made bad decisions and it was ok if I did things I regretted or was indecisive - that he knew that was me and he was okay with it. He didn't necessarily agree, but he accepted it.

It didn't take long for us to fall crazy in love. For Christmas, he gave me a promise ring and in June of 2006 he moved to Houston to be with me. He proposed on November 17, 2006 and we were married on November 17, 2007 and we've been happy and crazy about each other (almost) every day since then.

Our wedding day was the best day of my life!

He allows me to pick out his clothes when we go places so that we can "coordinate" in case there are any pictures involved.

He's a good friend.

He always drives to that I can read or take a nap.

He dances with me, even though he hates to dance - just because I love to.
He's a good kisser.

He loves kids.

And they love him.
He's helpful.

He's sweet and loving.

He loves animals.
He's easy going and fun to hang out with.

He's a caregiver.

He's an instigator!

He makes the weirdest faces in pictures that I love and hate all at the same time.

He loves the outdoors and appreciates the beauty around him in everyday life.

He's handy.

He loves guns and any excuse to shoot one!

He loves to fish - even if the fish are too small to keep.

He loves history and "old" stuff.

He loves to take pictures, and he's good at it.

He spoils Coco!

He's a good "daddy".

He has a sense of humor.

And he's my very best friend.
We will celeberate 3 years of marriage next month and I couldn't be happier. I hope that we are both around long enough to celebrate 50 or 60 years together.
Can't wait to hear about your spouses/significant others and I hope you'll join us next Tuesday and tell us all about your kids!
Awww!! Ya'll are the cutest couple! He really is a good guy!
Ya'll really are the cutest!
I can attest to children LOVING him!
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