Ok, so I (finally) have my camera and my camera cord, on the same day. So - I uploaded all the pictures that I took in the last 3 weeks. It's sad really, that I don't have more than I do. Nonetheless - enjoy the ones I do have!

It's December 10th, and it's snowing!

Look at that blizzard!!

"Snow" on the ground.

The Christmas Tree. I got lazy this year and instead of putting up our tree, we ran to Hobby Lobby and got a 4' pre-lit tree. It so worked for me.

My favorite Christmas ornament. A red glittery ribbon. Its plastic, so you don't have to worry about it breaking and they were only 99 cents a piece at Target.

The stockings were hung, by the chimney with care. (The little elf boot is Coco's).

The fireplace screen. - I just love it.

We drove up to Toldeo Bend Lake on New Years Day, and stayed with Darren's parents. Darren was so proud of himself! He caught quite a few while we were out, but these two were the biggest.

Getting ready to clean fish! Nasty job, but somebody has to do it!

Fileting fish!

Coco made her very first friend while we were at the lake. Buckshot - he belongs to Pops & Mama Jackie's next door neighbors.

They played for about 3 hours like this. They are about the same age, he is just a little bigger. He tried to play nice, but she showed him no mercy. Darren said she must take after me.
Hoping Pops & Nana would save her!

She had just learned to climb the steps earlier that day, so everytime she wanted to get away from him - she would climb them and try to hide under my leg. Little did she know - he could climb them too!
that tree looks bigger than 4 feet! i love this blog! fridays are the best. :-) hope you are having a great week!
-heather j.
Thanks - I'm glad I'm not boring everyone on Fridays, but I think its kind of fun.
I think the tree looks bigger because I was kneeling on the floor, when I took the picture.
Hope you have a great week too!
Your tree is BEAUTIFUL!
I love the stockings hung up, sniffle sniffle. I want a fireplace.
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