1. Do you prefer reality tv or dramas or comedies?
Dramas – I am a “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Law & Order” kind of girl.
2. If you could have free cosmetic surgery, what would you have done?
I would want to lose more weight first, and then get a breast lift and a tummy tuck.
3. What are you itching to get but you haven’t ‘bitten the bullet’?
Probably a Kitchenaid food processor. I have been wanting one and I have a coupon to Bed Bath and Beyond and $75 in gift cards, so it would make the $129.99 only cost me $30, but when I went to get it – they don’t carry it in the store and I didn’t want to order it but they have a bigger, better one for $199.99 but I would have to pay $85 and I don’t really want to. Darren told me to go ahead and get it – its bigger and better for only $55 more, but I haven’t “bitten that bullet” yet.
4. Do you have a bad habit that you hope your children don’t pick up?
Occasional cursing. Admittedly, I used to be really bad and I have cut out just about all of it but sometimes, it just comes out.
5. What was your favorite meal growing up?
Oh, I don’t know. My mom was such a great cook, but it was probably something simple like Tuna Casserole or something. I could have lived on that as a kid.
6. What meal did you have as a youngster that you don’t have as an adult?
Probably the tuna casserole. I have tried to make it a couple of times and its just not the same, plus – Darren isn’t a big tuna person, so we don’t eat it in my house.
7. What is your earliest memory of a “vacation”? Where’d you go?
Branson, MO. We stayed for a week in a cabin on Table Rock Lake. We went to the shows, hung out by the pool, went to Silver Dollar City, and rode the ducks!. It was a blast. I remember introducing my mom to “Atomic Fireballs” on that trip. She became addicted and we bought like 100 of them at Silver Dollar City. I also remember my mom dressing my little sister and I in matching outfits EVERY SINGLE DAY, and getting asked about 1,000/day if we were twins! ha! ha!
8. What was the “Best Thing” you ever got for Christmas, before age 12?
Maybe a doll house – it played lullabies in the nursery and had lights that turned on and off. It was awesome!
Hey there!!
I am just making my rounds and reading everyone's answers.
MM-- I love tuna casserole. I need a good recipe for one!
Have a great weekend.
Atomic Bombs - LOVE IT! I remember those!
Costco in store sells the 12 cup for $125.00. I gawk every time I go.
Your doll house sounds precious!
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